Google Cloud

Google cloud Platform is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google. The platform includes a range of hosted services for compute, storage and application development that run on Google hardware.


Google Cloud Platform by Google is a array of cloud computing services offered by Google to its customers. The primary set of services includes Data Storage, Analytics and Machine Learning. Multiple other management and analytics tools offer users some of best and finest cloud platform services.

As more and more organizations are moving on to the cloud platform, large companies like Google are taking in a plunge into these cloud service market offering users multitude of services. Google Cloud platform today is the world 3 rd largest cloud provider. This open up a large range of opportunities to fresher’s and experienced IT professional to get on to a fast growing technology.

The training in Google Cloud Platform focuses on mastering some of the key Google application like Compute options, Compute Engine, App Engine, Container Engine etc,. The training further focuses on Identity and Access Management. Virtual privacy cloud, Firewall rules. Training also focuses on data management and storage functions and looks into Base Data options of Cloud Storage.


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